Homoromantic heterosexual, any of you relate?

Well certainly people need help at times, and it's important that they get it. However, that's something I involve myself in on a purely practical level, and on an individual basis. I'm interested in whether people have transportation to medical appointments, that those who're known to be having family problems get checked in with on a regular basis, putting people who need serious counseling in touch with counselors and therapists, making it known what sorts of social assistances programs are available, and various other things like that. Things like that need to be done, and they get done. Aside from that, I involve myself in politics, because that's where decisions about civil rights and social reform actually happen. (It may not be particularly "empowering" to acknowledge that it really comes down to simple politics and votes in the end, but that's just how it works, and there's no escaping that fact.)

However, I'm not much involved in the "community" on a purely social level. I'm perfectly fine with people doing that, if that's what they feel they need to do, but I tend to bristle at anyone suggesting I have any obligation to participate in it. I'm also not very interested in sign waving, marching in parades, or playing games with (supposedly) subtle social "messages." In other words, I'm not a social activist, nor do I wish to become one. I have neither the inclination, nor the time.

If I have something to say, I simply say it, and whoever I choose to say it to will either accept it or they won't. I also have very little patience with people who attempt to pussyfoot around subjects, or try to come at people sideways trying to make a point, and view them with good deal of contempt (never mind what they have to say.) I also tend to look down on attempts at emotional appeals.

As far as people going through any sort of self discovery, I did that mainly on my own, and I tend to encourage people to explore those things for themselves and on their own terms. I'm not interested in molding anyone's perceptions of themselves, or suggesting to people how they should handle their personal affairs. I tend to regard people who try to do that as meddlers and busybodies. I also don't consider myself to have any obligation toward creating or maintaining any sort of contrived "culture" around anything to do with sexual orientation.

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