Honestly, the way 'feminine' man and 'masculine' women in the kpop community are treated is something we should talk about

I’d say that i’m a “shipper” in that I love Jikook /Namkook’s bond and I think they have the cutest friendship. However, I stay far, far away from fanfics because I just KNOW they’re gonna be a shit storm of internalised misogyny and gross stereotypes of real people. I remember though that there were people who got mad (like, extremely enraged) when Jungkook said that he likes make up and floral perfume scents. Some people were like “that’s more Jimin, it doesn’t fit Jungkook’s personality” and thinking about this just pisses me off.

I’m gonna go off a limb and say that because JK works out, is really tall and big and had that eboy thing going on for a while, that he’s portrayed as the stereotypical “big strong top” in fanfics? So when he shares something about himself that deducts from that image, it fucks with these people’s fantasy and they don’t like that. People don’t seem to realise that these are real people with actual personalities that you can’t force on them. This is such a common thing in the fandom that’s so disturbing, but short of abolishing all fanfic sites, what can you do about it lol.

/r/kpoprants Thread