Taking Benadryl for an allergic reaction

I literally get anxiety and restlessness just reading the word "Benadryl".

When I was a dumb teenager experimenting with every drug I could get my hands on, I once tried 500mg of DPH. It was terrible. First, when it started to kick in, I got mad anxiety and paranoia. Like looking behind me and such every few minutes. Then the voices come up.

First I only listened to them, they were distant but realistic. But then it got so bad, I started talking back (at this stage no real hallucinations, except for weird lighting perception and little moving shadows) and I had whole conversations with multiple friends and random people. But the physiological side effects were extreme, because of the dry mouth, memory impairment and sheer confusion, I couldnt even talk anymore. I just stuttered "ye" or "no" pretty much, but in my head I still had full on conversations.

Extreme dysphoria, RLS and other nasty side effects like dehydration were also very present. But then it got wild, I got completely delirious. I suddenly was in my school, and I saw friends of mine, but they didnt talk. They just looked at me, judging me. At some point we started talking, and they were like "We know what you did, were not your friends anymore" and it was terrifying. Especially because I couldnt escape.

I was hallucinating us sitting in the school hallway, but when I tried to go away I ran into my reallife bed, walls my door because I was actually still in my room. But I couldnt grasp it, I just thought there were invisible barriers in my school, which didnt help with the anxiety. Then BLACKOUT. I got conscious in my backyard, with people there and we were talking again, then they left, I wanted to follow them, and again, I just ran into my stuff at home.

Also, because it was night, i only had boxers on, and I saw pants in my hallucinations, that I wanted to put on, because I felt embarrassed without pants in front of all these people. But the pants werent actually there, and I tried to put pretty much just air on for 30 minutes at least, because I didnt get why the pants wouldnt let me hold them in my hands. For like 1 year after that experience, I still got flashbacks sometimes when I was in pitch black rooms, it was horrific.

My conclusion: Dont do drugs, but I did, and I cant deny that even the "bad ones" were damn fun. But theres no point in tripping on DPH, in 99% of cases its an unpleasant experience up to a nightmarish and you can even die of organ failure, not funny.

/r/TikTokCringe Thread Link - v.redd.it