Hostile Work Environment [Texas]

i wish my issue was with simple name-calling. i can assure you it isn't. My issue is not with people just being jerks, or with recieving threats of any kind from other employees. All these things, i've dealt with before. i don't scare easily.

My issue is more like ( i don't even know if i can verbalize this in a fashion sufficient to make my point clear.)

My issue has more to do with veiled threats to my position for minor 'infractions' that i see other people commiting every day. I've been with this company for a couple of years and since before my first evaluation, ( almost 18 months ago ) i have been told that i could lose my job ' any day now' Despite not being relieved of my position, and recieving pay raises at every evaluation.

My issue with management is this: There is a overt attitude of 'us vs. them'. If you are an 'us' ( defined by several criteria: gender, sexual orientation, and the mood of the management team at the time you were hired ) any and all mistakes are overlooked and downright ignored. You are promoted rapidly, and the guidelines and P&P stated in the employee handbook for promotions ( not raises ) are basically thrown out the window, in your favor. You can do no wrong.

If you are a 'them' ( like me, and a few other employees ) anything and everything you do is scrutinized and criticized. you can do nothing right Even when following P&P to the letter. You are eavesdropped upon and your words are often used against you ( and, in some cases, against other co-workers. ) Your workload, as defined by your position in the employee handbook, is piled upon by other tasks that management doesn't want to perform, on any given day. You will be verbally reprimanded if all your duties, including the ones that management dumped on you that day are not completed, regardless of your workload that day. Any and all ideas for resolution to any work-related issue that you present to management are deemed irrelevent and immediately discarded, until such time that management decides that yours was the only idea plausible ( this can take up to a month ) and in which case, not only are you not credited with said idea, but management takes great pride in patting themselves on the back for coming up with said idea. ( This has happened to me )

Last but certainly not least, The 'Them' Team feels like we cannot go to our district manager, because this person and the management team at our location are personal friends, and we feel DM would side with local management.

In all truth, i could write a book about what goes on at my job, all of which sounds absolutely incredible. Were it not for a few other co-workers telling me about their own similar experiences with this management team, i would think i am crazy.

My issue is not with the company. Their product and mission statement are things i support whole-heartedly. And, i feel very fortunate working for this company. My issue is ( and always has been ) with management and their behavior.

My problem currently is: Since i did not come into this job with the express goal of filing any claims of any kind, i have no written documentation of any of the things i have just described. I do not come home after 8 hours at my job and write down what has happened that day. I have no proof. And even if i did, i wouldn't know how to initiate a claim.

If you have taken the time to read all of this, thank you.

Any guidance, or ideas would be greatly appreciated

So...back to my OP:

How did you come to the decision?

What kind / how much proof was required?

Was an attorney required?

What was the outcome?

Advice / guidance / pointers...?

Or should i just start looking for another job...?

I hope i've described my situation sufficiently.

Thanks for reading all of this, i know its alot. I hope it wasn't too 'ramnbly' ( i'ved typed all of this with only about half a cup of coffee in me )

Have a great day :)

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