Mike Pence signs RFRA clarification bill.

Boycotts should continue? Absolutely fucking not.

Right, since you're pretty clearly part of the problem, I'll drop the not-so-secret secret to you:

In Indiana it is and always has been legal to discriminate against LGBTQ people. Sure, there are a couple of cities that have made gender identity or sexual orientation protected classes, but generally speaking they are not and it is perfectly legal to discriminate against them. The Indiana legislature passed the RFRA last week and the governor signed it into law with the intent of explicitly allowing discrimination against LGBTQ people based on religious belief (despite what the spin doctors were saying). Before it was legal only due to an absence of specific protection in the law, but after the RFRA it was made explicitly legal. Not only that, there was the uncertainty as to whether the RFRA could trump municipal ordinances that made sexual orientation or gender identity a protected class. That's why there was so much opposition to it.

Now since the RFRA was "modified", discrimination against the LGBTQ community on the basis of religious belief is no longer explicitly legal. It's still legal in the state of Indiana (minus a couple of cities) due to the lack of it being a protected class, it's just that the law doesn't come right out and say so anymore. This is unacceptable. The only just "modification" to the RFRA was to make sexual orientation and gender identity protected classes. More to the point, there is no reason to not do so. The only possible explanation for not specifically protecting sexual orientation or gender identity is that you want to be able to discriminate against them.

So yeah, while things may have legally gone back to more or less "the way they were before", that way was not just. It did not properly protect human rights and civil rights, and it needs to change. The Indiana legislature opened this Pandora's box by passing the RFRA, and now it is time to fully address it. The boycotts and embargoes were sufficient to push bad on the RFRA, but if you're going through all of the effort to begin with, why would you stop with only a half measure of a solution? Ergo the boycotts must continue until Indiana recognizes sexual orientation and gender identity as protected classes. LGBTQ people have the right to be treated like human beings.

/r/indianapolis Thread Parent Link - ishtv.com