HotTake: Snipers are strangling Playerbase Growth

Going to get downvoted but that’s ok I just want to rant. Most people I see complaining about widow are the same ones jumping nonstop the entire game or walking in straight lines, not paying any thought to her los. This post reads just like that. Sometimes widows take over games, sometimes they don’t. Sometimes a good tracer, or tank takes over a game, sometimes they don’t. I’m not saying widow can’t kill you in stupid ways across the map, but how often does that really happen and you’re saying there’s nothing you can do to prevent that, really? I just watched a lip stream where he went like 0-6 to start a map as widow, swapped to tracer, and then didn’t lose another fight.

And you’re talking about smurfs and cheaters having access to widow on a new account as if they wouldn’t do the same thing on another character with the same outcome if widow didn’t exist.

One of the top comments here is saying hiding behind cover isn’t fun… like what? What about getting playing against coordinated dive, getting rolled by a good tracer, hacked and focused the entire game, dying to junk spam; are those fun? Hell no but you’re not going to remove dive because you just don’t like playing against it. Who cares if they nerf widow or do nothing, it sounds like you just suck and maybe you should put the effort you spent writing this post into getting better

/r/Competitiveoverwatch Thread