How can I not get extremely famous?

There's actually a process for this that not a lot of people know:

  1. Waste hours of every day outlining every scene and listing every character in your story.
  2. Make sure hype up your unwritten work and post about it on social media as if it's a thing that actually exists.
  3. Diversity. Pronounds. Wake up at 4am and write every day. Deforestation. Feed cats. Social media.
  4. Write your first chapter. Call it PROLOGUE, followed by the name of the POV character or the location in which it's set. Delete it and try again in two days.
  5. Find the most complicated way possible to say "magic has limited ammunition" and painfully stretch it across a magic system so boring that it reads like an Excel spreadsheet.
  6. Never tell, only show. You're not telling a story, you're showing the Netflix show that lives in your head.
  7. Take a break from listing characters and write a few pages of your prologue over and over again.
  8. Repeat steps 1-7 indefinitely.
  9. Turn 35. Give up on traditional publishing and change your lifelong dream to being a self-published sleeper hit.
  10. Turn 40. Repeat steps 1-7. Change your dream to "well, I'm just writing for me. I'm not interested in publication."
  11. Get a Netflix show.
/r/writingcirclejerk Thread