How common is it to not have any friends at all?

Hi! I'm 40-ish/female. I'm married for 5 years to a man that I dated for 5 yrs...we've been together for 10 years now, though. I've had other relationships, most lasted for several years. All of my long term relationships (dating) had their beginning in friendship, and shared interests OUTSIDE OF MY HOUSE.

Part of my lifestory is that I left a crummy husband, as so many early 20s women do. I went nuts. I took flight lessons, and I got a license! I bought a cheap Honda 250 and learned to ride, got that license. But the only reason it piqued my interest, was because I was talking to people at the airport one day.

I don't tend to keep most friendships in what you might consider a "current friendship file". Some people I never speak to after the first time. That doesn't mean that I don't remember them, or the mark they left on my life. We just didn't "click" beyond that meeting. I have no one on Facebook that I don't spend time with.

I'm fairly shy, have a history of abuse, terrible problems with loud noises, love to isolate and do "X" (video games, texting, tv, whatever; stop isolating!) and the only way I broke into a real, engaged, satisfying, and rewarding life was by doing one major thing that I would never do. I chose to fly airplanes. I still have never learned to swim. No matter what you choose to do first, you will never run out of things to choose.

Let me know if I can help. I'm not a millionaire, but I'm happy

/r/NoStupidQuestions Thread