How do you deal with being ugly?

Anyone can get a bf/gf and get married. People are that desperate. Lol It doesn't matter if you think you are ugly (you look normal though). Idk why being alone is such a phobia for people. You just need to learn to enjoy your own company so that you have something good to offer. Your face can look one way or another but it doesn't have to make you feel any type of way. Is there more to your identity than looks? Do you want shallow relationships based on something as unstable as looks or something more lasting like personality? Being gorgeous isn't gonna assure me that you are going to be there for me when shit hits the fan. It ain't gonna make any relationship better in any important way. A good relationship should be based on character. Doesn't matter how good looking one may be, if you live with them just to admire their beauty there is no way you won't get sick of it/used to seeing them. Then you just leave them and try to find another attractive partner 'til you get sick of them, too. You aren't missing out on anything, if anything you are avoiding destructive people who just want to use good looking people for status. Nothing to be sad about. Why is it so important to make people perceive us how we want? If we just dared being ok with ourselves we would make a much bigger impact. People would be attracted to you because you inspire them to accept themselves. Sorry for this long rant. Hope something I said helps you in some way (and I hope I didn't come off angry, I am not lmao).

/r/amiugly Thread