OnePlus 3: A great $400 phone you can actually buy

Just got the OpePlus 2 and I can't say a bad thing about it, for the price (315€) I really can't say a bad thing about it. Maybe I'm a lightweight user but everything has been working exceptionally well for a cheapie phone. Although this might be bacause my previous phone was a 5 year old Samsung S2 that didn't have a scratch on it, just upgraded because I wanted a bigger screen, better performance (S2 was ancient, and the code everyone pumps out these days is shit, was really laggy) and better battery life.

Or maybe it's because I'm a late adopter of the 1+2 and most of the bugs have been now addressed in OOS(?). All this cry about not supporting quick charging and not having NFC I really just don't understand.This is just my opinion, NFC is fucking pointless and a really big security risk. The quick charging? Who really cares about 20-30 mins of saved charging time? When do you guys really need that fast of a charge? Again, I'm an old adopter and haven't really upgraded my phone in a long time.

I think the 1+2 kicks ass for the price.

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