How did you guys acknowledge the fact that you are an atheist // the moment you changed your belief...

Ironically I became an atheist on a temple pilgrimage. My family told me if I don't go ,our problems would become worse(basically blackmailed me), so I went to the same temple everyday for a month. During that time I had some doubts about Astrology so I started reading up on it. Then my belief in that fell like a brick, and I started questioning my belief in religion itself .I went through the usual teen shit, asking god(s) for a sign, why haven't things improved bla bla. Ofc I asked my parents for answers, and the list of things they said -

"Atheists will never succeed in life" Nope.

"We are Indians and You are just following western ideas?" What?

"I went through the same thing as you did and Now I believe in God" Don't care.

"Once something tragic happens then you will start to believe in God" I did go through a lot after that and the only thing I believed in was me.

They were unable to give me a proper answer to my questions without emotional blackmail or things that could be proven with a single Google search. I went on, and I found that I never really cared much about religion in the first place and I just went along with it because my parents forced me too. So I just stopped.

/r/atheismindia Thread