How did your civilizations come to power?

Well i have a world where the Nazis won WW2, which i want to make into a video game when im older :)

They did it by creating a uranium Bomb in 1945 and dropping it on moscow, causing the Soviets to capitulate, allowing them to unleash they're entire strength on the Allies. Britain was invaded and occupied, they signed a nonaggression treaty with the US, and they seized many british colonies (Auatralia and much of africa), as well as Virtually all of South America and the rest of europe. They then turned on the other axis nations, making them puppet states.

Throughout the 50's, they took more land, crushed uprisings, expanded the Armed forces even more, stockpiling arms, and many other things. The actual game takes place in 1966, where the USA and other allied nations discover a plan by the Nazis to invade North America, thus reigniting a war.

/r/worldbuilding Thread