Alabama elementary school principal accused of ‘excessive paddling’ of student

Long shot from a helicopter. The street is completely empty with stores closed for the winter. a middle-aged business man is pushing his trolley down the street. Next to him is a young girl with her small dog. a large man in a suit pushes the trolley back up the block. Close up of man in suit. His face is blank. He wears a large dark glasses. Close up of store window. An electric sign reads: "closed - will reopen January 1". a row of decorations hang in front of the store window. a star and a tree with a snow scene on it. a photograph of the owner of the store is tacked to the wall. The man in suit stops pushing his trolley down the street. He turns to look out a window. He is suddenly hit in the shoulder. The store owner (40) steps out of the store, the arms outstretched. He shakes his head, looking around at the middle-aged man in the suit. He is breaking into tears. The store owner heads off down the street. The man in suit looks over his shoulder. There is an explosion. The left sleeve of his suit is off. He looks at his arm to see the damage. He falls to the ground. camera moves up to a close shot of his arm. a hand and the photo of the owner of the store are strewn around the area. The picture with the printed name of "Johanna Parke" is thrown off. camera moves up to a large window overlooking the street.

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