How did your friend destroy the friendship?

We were best friends and almost always together. He was a really nice and fun person at first, but had a terrible temper. I remember one time I was hanging out with his sister, he barged through my front door, and screamed and cursed at her before turning back around, slamming the door behind him. I looked past it though because he was never really mean to me.

Over the years though, I became weary of his constant complaining and actively seeking fights with people online and destroying his other relationships with people he'd known for years.

I went to a concert in St. Louis one time that he couldn't attend because he went to a convention in Texas at the same time (that he was really excited for btw!). So I invited some other friends and we had a blast, posting photos and stuff on social media, obviously. He took this as rubbing our fun in his face and complained about us all the time in his tumblr. Never directly said anything to me about it. When I left for college, we kind of grew apart a little.

However, when I came back to visit, he blew up over some really petty shit. I told our group I couldn't hang out because my mom wanted me to be home when her friend was over. However, some other friends in the group decided to come over afterwards anyway. He finds out, calls us fake and BS, blocks us on all social media and that was that.

A year later, I find out through his sister, whom I'm still good friends with, that apparently he regrets it, he works at chipotle and is still with his repeat cheater boyfriend and recently burned bridges with his other supposed best friend who he replaced me with. I'm pretty much over it but I am in no way interested in being friends with him ever again. I think in hindsight though, our group of friends was pretty toxic to each other. It was just not a good mesh of personalities. High school, man.

/r/AskReddit Thread