How does Candiace bag on women’s appearances 24/7 but claims to be a victim of bullying?

That is good you remember a lot of the shows. The difference, for me, is the constant temper tantrums, the pettiness, her abrasiveness, and I don't find her funny. If you want to go back to your whataboutisims/comparisons I'll tell who else I find to be just like that, Kelly Dodd.

No one is safe from her petty wrath not even her own husband. Candace gives targeted jugular attacks that have nothing to do with the fight. When her pettiness doesn't get the reaction she wants she cries. Also, to me she waits to the reunion to use targeted inflammatory words that her sycophants give her online.

And for all those that think a butter knife can't do damage I have a 1/2 inch scar from a butter knife that was being waived around. Two times someone wrestled a knife from Candace hand, and a third time everyone held her back and moved items so she couldn't throw them. But Candace is just reactionary.

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