Let's not cry because it's over. Let's smile because...it happened.

Totally agree with this!! We have 14 amazing seasons- with largely the same cast. I do think it needs to end now- particularly with Ramona- just like at one time certain jokes in Friends people didn’t realise or find offensive- now times moved on, society’s changed and people are a lot more socially and culturally aware- certain jokes probably wouldn’t be made now.

RHONY as it was, especially in a show reflecting ‘reality’ and New York doesn’t fit into the world in 2022. Doing legacy hopefully it’ll be cast members who are more socially aware and less ignorant, and open to change and diversity. The new RHONY will be an adjustment- but knowing they scrapped the first take is promising, as it shows they’re not just going to throw us anything to shut us up! As long as they keep the humour and the true connections- that’s one of the most important aspects of this franchise- but in a way that is far more diverse, inclusive and culturally sensitive. We’re all learning all the time! Unfortunately someone like Ramona I don’t think wants to learn and that’s the biggest problem- people like Sonja, Luann, Jill, Dorinda I think could learn. But yeah- great post heading!! I’ve just rewatched it, and it was like watching it for the first time!

/r/realhousewives Thread Link - i.redd.it