How does one be "Alpha" in college; should I just wait until I'm independent and working?

If you're in first year then don't worry about being alpha and getting girls. I came to college and realized after 1st year that as skinny kid with a baby face I had no chance so I made it my mission to become a chad by 4th year. I made sure to get solid grades, network and find good finance internships. That set me up money wise and now after 3rd year I've had a couple solid internships along with my dream one this summer. I have enough money to pay most of my student loans and afford whatever clothes, toys or experiences I want. I also have a career set up in the financial district.

The other thing I made sure to do was eat healthy and gain some muscle. Now that I'm finishing up 3rd year and about to enter 4th year I don't even care about girls. Sure if I'm out at the bar with the boys I'll chat up a few and maybe take one home but getting laid is probably the last thing I think about. Now all I can think about is my career, networking, lifting, nutrition, and enjoying my final year of college with my boys before we all scatter after graduation.

It's odd, I spent years becoming the best I could so that I could get girls in college, now that I am the best version of myself I don't even care about girls. The only thing I can think about is improving myself and by doing so, girls seem to be more and more interested.

So if you want advice, stop thinking about getting laid, start lifting and start thinking about the exact career you want after college. Then do everything you can in the next few years to get that career. By the time you hit 4th year you'll be surrounded by cute girls you don't even want, you'll be in the best shape of your life, and most importantly you'll have a high paying job that you actually want.

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