How to escape grandmaster hell?

idk dude i reached like epic with just freya and yun zhao had no problems reaching epic

the main reason i was able to reach epic was

  1. Farm i made an habit of having the highest gold in every game if im going adc... and dont say that people steal buff/other bs; its your fkin job to farm/get fed if you are going adc so no excuses...

  2. i was once a freya main so what i did in team fights was wait for the team fight to initiate then i would ambush the enemy ad/mage, ppl wont even peel for the adc in epic/gm so after killing them the team fights were pretty much over...

  3. objectives over everything! literally after killing/wiping out enemy dont go to jungle get a turret/get the lord/do something of value... 3 people top? get the turtle with the help of your mid.. enemy laners are low? start turtle and if they contest you know what'll happen..

  4. this one is very important! its what helped me and sometimes when i don't do good this helps me a lot.. here's the deal your team has 3 mm? well stop complaining cause things are they way they are! its people choice to pick whatever they want to pick! but sir you job is to find the opportunity in all this chaos; what separates a pro from a newb is his ability to turn a bad situation into his favor... think about it you post tells why you are stuck! cause you complain a lot! fkin deal with it! they pick 4mm welp ok the thing is what you gonna do about it? are you gonna cry? or will you man tf up and work around it!

  5. the reason you are stuck is cause you lack the skills the push so yeah! watch tutorials on how to get better!

  6. murphys military law: if a plan sounds stupid but it works it isnt stupid! you gotta take risks, find your limits then overcome them currently gm is your limit, overcome it you need to learn something new in order to progress ! stop complaining suuuck it up and do something!

Also last tip adjust, be unpredictable!

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