Looking for suggestions on how to connect with high functioning son.

Thank you this was the biggest help. I guess I just feel I'm failing as a mom if he doesn't want to open up to me. My neurotypical daughter won't stop talking, and recently his best friend came home with us from school and he told me things about my son at school I had NO IDEA had happened so I just wish he would tell me these things on his own... But I KNOW not to make the comparisons between them. It just sucks when I hear about him having a hard time at school from his friend instead of from him. He also says he doesn't even remember the incident, which is very common. Instead of telling you things or communicating he just says he forgot or he doesn't know. Maybe I feel as a mom that if he doesn't tell me stuff that it's indicative that we don't have a good relationship but deep down I know that it's just the way he is and I need to get over it sometimes and let him have his time to himself. He is so high functioning I have a very difficult time understanding the difference when it comes to his needs. I wish he would tell me more about his troubles or what is on his mind so I could help. We have taught him checkers but he says it's boring so we may need to try chess next, thank you!

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