How Facebook is Stealing Billions of View - In a Nutshell

Sorry breaking the circlejerk here. Be warned, ravings of a lunatic from here on in.

These videos go viral because Facebook is cheating

Uhh sorry no.. they go viral because of exposure you fucking idiot.

If some celebrity like Dwayne Johnson shares your video, GUESS WHAT? YOU'VE GOT SOME VIEWS COMING YOUR WAY.

Is that cheating? No you complete pleb. There's been tons of artists that have benefited hugely from this kind of thing too.

If your videos take so much of your precious time and energy to create then fucking SUE FOR DAMAGES OR W/E AGAINST THE GUY WHO STOLE YOUR WORK. It's that simple.

You are not entitled to anything more than that, I'm sorry but you can cry like a child otherwise, people won't listen to you on this one.

You're not entitled to the ad revenue from it either.

Does Facebook charge you money for hosting videos or using their video player? Of course fucking not. Facebook has put together and actually owns it's own ad revenue stream, it CHOOSES to share that revenue with creators in the ways it can, same with youtube.

Just use your goddamn brains for one second, does a TV broadcasting network pay money to individual shows or screenwriters from advertising? No.

If Shia LaButthead steals your idea for a show, pays a production studio to make it, who get it on a network. Guess what shitlords? You don't sue the fucking network for what they made in advertising do you?

It's this.. goddamn.. simple.. ask the person who has stolen your video to take it down. Ask them for a percentage of the revenue they've made from the video, or finally if it matters that much, sue them.

If I ever made anything of note and it was stolen, I would simply go after the person who stole it. It's utter lunacy to hold Facebook/Youtube or whoever else responsible for another person's actions.

If you want to bullshit everyone by saying Facebook or Youtube are "facilitating" this crime, fuck right off. We both know that's the biggest load of crap, they're merely hosting the content, that's it.

This video is absolutely full of fucking crap if it really believes no artist has ever been highlighted by a celebrity or some other platform that has put up their video.

/r/videos Thread Link -