How do you feel about Transgender MtF athletes?

This post has been removed for breaking Rule 1.

Asking a question:

  • The title of your post must contain the question; don't title it "Here's a question for you". We must be able to understand what you are asking solely from reading the title. Use the text box only to add any further details or context about your question.
  • The question should be a general question. If you are asking a question regarding your personal situation and seeking advice, refer to "Seeking advice" below. If you are asking general question to aid your personal situation, do not mention your personal situation; otherwise, your post must be categorized as "Seeking advice" below and not a general question.

Seeking advice:

  • The title of your post must be descriptive; don't just title it "I need advice". We must be able to grasp the basic idea of your situation solely from reading the title.
  • Include the ages and genders of the people involved, e.g. 17M, 19F.
  • You must be specific and detailed about your situation. Be clear about what advice you are seeking and its relevance to the situation. If it is a long post, include a TL;DR.
  • Do NOT post about crushes. Do NOT ask us to mind-read (e.g. "Does this person like me?", "They said X, what does this mean?").
  • Advice-seeking posts may fall under FAQs (see Rule 3). Posts that are marked as frequently asked will be removed.
  • Update posts are allowed but must be made at least 24 hours after the original post. Otherwise, updates must be made within the same original post. When making an update post, provide a link to the original post.

If there is a problem with your title, please re-post with the correct title. If there is a problem with your text box, please edit it to conform with the rules and reply to this comment once you are finished, and we will revert the removal.

/r/askteenboys Thread Parent