[WP] Any story you want to write but haven't found a good WP for it.

Petunia walked along the rain sodden street from the bus stop towards a destination she wasn't quite sure why she was visiting. She could see the churchyard illuminated in the distance, and some blurred figures milling about.

What would become of her boy? she wondered, surely he would go to an orphanage, there was no one left to care for him. The rain began to fall at a heavier rate than before, and Petunia was silly enough to eschew her umbrella in order to fill her pocket with the hard candies that she and her sister enjoyed so much in their youth, until "It" happened, until that nasty letter arrived.

Of course her son would most likely be exactly like her, after she married that freak. She told me she never liked him, now we see where that has gotten her.

Tuney she thought. That's what she used to call me.. like I was some sort of wizard with a piano.

She approached the only church in Godric's Hollow, and even though she was almost a day late, the graveyard was not empty. As the rain continued to drip from her tartan hat and coat, Petunia steadied herself, took a deep breath, and approached the wrought iron gate, doing her best to ignore the odd people in cloaks.

After surveying the grounds, she saw the fresh graves, spectacularly adorned with roses, carnations, orchids, irises, and of course lilies. The rain had eased a bit as she passed an odd couple who had an invisible umbrella.

Must be some of her lot, she thought. those people remind me of that boy from Spinner's End.

She had not talked to her sister in almost two years. Not since she ran off with that Potter boy, but here she was walking up to the place they are newly buried.

Petunia gazed upon the headstone of her sister Lily and her husband James, whom she had never met, and she felt a pain in her conscience for never meeting the man that her sister decided to marry.

Kneeling down on the cold November ground, she placed a sealed envelope on the fresh grave, stood up, attempted to stifle a tear, and she truly hoped Lily's son would be alright.

Turning on a heel, Petunia had fifteen minutes to make it to the last bus back to Little Whinging.

/r/WritingPrompts Thread