4yr West Point kicked out

Thanks man, most of my replys on here are actually just to not even try to explain myself to a bunch of ass hats that I have unfortunately attracted

But if you'd really like to know. Since getting kicked out I've worked every bit of my ass off at any job I could get. I've ate crow left and right and swallowed my pride to start back at the bottom as a kid that never came from the top like all these other West Point Families and crap like that.

Finally, I quit a few jobs to actually see my family after being a piece of shit the whole four years I was at West Point and the few I served prior to that.

I then married a woman that helped me see I really could still make something out of myself. I'm now finishing my first semester back in college after saving every penny I could make for a year straight in order to do so.

I think there's quite a few of you "hard asses" that think you're bigger and badder than battling alcoholism. Must be awesome not knowing what its like to actually hit rock bottom and bring yourself up step by step

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