How To Fend Off Bully Competitor?

I just now read this part (shown bold). Can this even be part of an agreement??

*All code, images, content, and media of all types on all sites may not be used for any purpose other than the subscriber's direct viewing.

This limits any subscriber from using the content to create content of their own that is any way using the content we make and distributing it outside of our website and if within our website without the express written permission of OWNER, this applies even if giving credit to us as the originator of the idea or concept. Obviously claiming a concept as your own would also be a breach of the terms of service as this would be using it in a way other than direct viewing. Teaching the techniques we teach in a separate forum of any manner electronic, paper, in person or another other media type, using content we teach to distribute signals, trading ideas, education, articles videos whether public, private, for profit or not for profit would be a breach of the terms of service. Attempting to reverse engineer our code or methodologies would be a violation of this agreement. Taking concepts, ideas, codes, formula, education, content of any form and using them to make a similar reproduction to accomplish any similar result or to make a new way of using said content for profit or not for profit distributing it to another person would be using it for a purpose other than direct viewing.*

/r/legaladvice Thread