Dekay: Luminosity to replace Destiny and shz with ex-PaiN players chelo and nekiz | Slingshot Esports

Not trying to be 'that guy', but i completely disagree with you.

1) Yes Destiny was hyped. When Felps joined IMT last year, he and Destiny were the 2 most hyped prospects from br scene. (KNG got a lot of attention/respect too, but i wouldn't say he was a 'prospect').

Destiny, certainly was thought to be a potential world-class player at some point considering he was one of the most impactful players in our scene at some point. If Cold-Felps-Fer-Hen did it, we certainly thought that he could... The reason he stalled it's not very clear, not sure if he doesn't practice as much as Felps, or just no international experience, or anything else...

2) Chelo wasn't hyped until recently. I remember when i started talking with the players (i helped them go after an org, that's before Pain approached them) and Chelo was showing signs of becoming a top player in our scene (high hs%, high +/- in gun vs gun rounds, etc), i even sent him a stat sheet from that month's tournament... this was like 3 months ago at most, when he started getting respect and some hype from br fans. And the REAL hype started recently with Pain during Minor.

Until 4 months ago, the most hyped guys were Duken, Horvy, KNG ofc, Shz, Destiny, Exit...

As of now, there are at least 3-4 br players in a similar level to Chelo but don't get the same hype/attention from international fans (who don't follow br scene). Guys like Exit, s1 and Duken (both from ex-Pain / Alientech), Leo_drunky...

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