How do you guys deal with Psam, Kabilla, Stripper +1 (ex - Rakan) ADs in Guardian during rush? Asia server.

Great post, you're probably right that the AO I mentioned wouldn't be as effective as I made it out to be, but I still think it wins more than 2/3. Some thoughts:

  1. The booster (Kabilla in this example) + despair stripper + SPD lead combination I think shouldn't be the focus of this scenario because that is the win condition in a LOT of ADs that don't include Psama + Bruiser. It's effective yes, and there's a reason it's used so much, but it doesn't deter me enough to avoid Tiana cleaving it (25% despair stun chance * chance for stripper to derp doesn't end up being very likely).

I think when this combination gets really scary is when Psama is thrown into the mix and is speed tuned. I think we can agree that it's not the worst idea in the world to hit this AD if I can get my combo off after their stripper moves (again, very unlikely my Tiana gets stunned). I can actually make OPs AD:

  • Psama (L), Kabilla, Chiwu, Rakan (although I'd much prefer Praha/Juno here).

Looking at my optimizer, I can get my Kabilla to 310 (not the fastest, but usable for example). The required speeds to tune Chiwu and Psama are:

  • Psama = 259 (+161 speed). This is ridiculously hard to achieve while keeping enough damage
  • Chiwu = 258 (+155 speed). This is practical as Chiwu only needs speed + acc.

I don't have a good method to determine the exact math for what it would take to cut in after the stripper in this scenario, but an AO based around Tiana Zaiross and Bernard would definitely cut in here. Let's take a look at the AO I mentioned:

Bernard Chiwu(L) Galleon Zaiross. The required speeds to tune are:

  • Chiwu = 219 (+116). Perfectly achievable
  • Galleon = 212 (+104). Perfectly achievable
  • Zaiross = 223 (+129). Difficult, but achievable

Even if Zaiross get's collapsed after his 2nd attack, Chiwu + Galleon is capable of killing a Rakan quite easily.

TBH Alicia would be better than Zaiross here.

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