How do INTJ's react to feeling a spectrum of emotions?

Neat observations at the end, rings true for me too. I'm generally a pretty active person, but this lessens the further down the scale I get. More negative emotions = less physical activity and more introspection. The further down the list I get the less I want to talk to anyone at all.

Thrilled: Grinning like an idiot. Mayyyybe a great big hug, depending on who I'm thrilled with.

Happy: Maybe smiling, generally content, relaxed. If its my hubby that I'm happy with usually a hug or snuggle.

Interested: Completely absorbed. Sometimes quiet enough that people think I'm tuned out, but I'm really just listening intently.

Intoxicated: Chatty chat chat. More open to casual physical contact.

Resting: Whats rest? ;) Reading.

Physically exhausted: Sluggish mind, but usually determined to just finish whatever it is that I'm doing.

Mentally exhausted: mushy brain. Have a hard time conversing, difficulty word finding. Just. Go. Away.

Anxious: Start puttering with something I CAN fix, i.e. cleaning, chores, laundry, grocery shopping.

Frustrated: Stuck on the source of frustration, mental block with everything else. Sarcastic and guarded.

Stressed: become super productive at easily accomplished tasks. Procrastinate at the hard stuff. Or if I've reached my actual stress limit, become stalled out and can accomplish nothing. Don't talk to people.

Afraid: depends on the source. Various relaxation techniques, if an actual threat is present then I'm hyper vigilant and focused on removing the threat. I work with dangerous people; time slows down.

Sad: Grey brain. Everything is lame, nothing is interesting.

Hurt: Usually reasonable. Potentially problem solving.

Really hurt: Livid. Maybe crying. Maybe sitting in my car alone because I can't function, then cry, then scream, then throw up, then I'm ok. Possibly confrontation after many hours/days, it probably won't go well for the other person.

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