I’m newly pregnant, but my options are leaving me no other choice but to have an abortion.

I don't know what advice to give you but I can share my story.

My partner of nearly 6 years and I got pregnant at 26. We were very financially stable with great careers. We planned to get married. I had never, ever thought to get an abortion. I was torn up for a week over it and my partner encouraged me to do whatever I thought was best, though he was scared shitless. I ended it at home with two little pills at 6 weeks.

Ultimately, I didn't want the rest of my life to be determined by an accident. If I'd had the baby, it would be a very happy accident, I'm sure. But I didn't want to pin that on him/her. Every woman in my mom's family, including my mom, got pregnant then married because of the pregnancy. Then divorced. I didn't want to follow that trend and I didn't want to get married because of an accident.

Today, we're 29 and still together. It doesn't come up between us honestly. It's like a faint little scar. I look or think of it sometimes, it's always there. But I really never think of the emotions or decision except in moments like now. I don't regret it. I wish the situation had been different but I feel completely confident that when I get pregnant again on purpose, it will be a better situation for everyone -- including the one who isn't with us.

I'd encourage you to talk with a great OB/GYN at PP. They can help you evaluate all options without judgment for either decision. Either way, it sucks you're in this position. I am really sorry. But you will get through it and you will be ok with whatever decision you make.

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