How to let him know he is being bad or doing something wrong?

Look, everyone’s got an opinion but I’m a firm believer in balanced training. Heavy on rewards for desired behavior, corrections for undesired behavior. At the very minimum, you want your dog to understand that “no” has weight behind it. You achieve this with corrections. It’s not abusing your dog or making them fearful of you if you do it right.

My dog is attached to me at the hip and happy as can be, but you better believe she’s been corrected to stamp out undesired behavior. She’s also had about a million high value treats when she does what I want her to do. The result is that she’s safe around people and dogs, she’s obedient, and doesn’t need a crate when I’m not home at 10months because I know she’s not going to destroy anything.

I totally understand the sentiment behind positive only training but it’s just not as effective. You’re banking on the dog always obeying in hopes of a reward - this is fine until what they WANT to do outweighs the hope for a treat or a ball.

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