How is the Lexington local music scene?

The lexington scene has been this way since the 90s at least. My mom was in some kind of scene growing up and I remember lots of people being around who were in bands. By the time that I was in high school all five of them were bursting at the seams with bandlets and there were many bands with members in the 18-21 range who also helped to push all ages shows. We have to remember that there have been many iterations of venues over the 90s that attempted to help foster an all ages scene- DV8, Heresy, 37 Center, Rockhaven a little later with random houses and overnights throwing parties. None of these places made a lot of money and that is why they did not stay open, and they also had to compete with cops shutting down places featuring underage drinking and drugs (rule 8.5 lol.) It did not help that most of the older members of the established scene really did not support the younger bands at all. The best shows that I ever saw with local bands were great despite the lack of support from either older scenesters, promoters or even out of town bands.

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