How long until you could work again ?

We are a lot alike.

I got covid Feb 8th of this year. I had very persistent cardiac symptoms, no energy, 0 appetite, (I also lost way too much weight), spiked anxiety ALL THE TIME, and just getting through the day was a struggle.

I had to go to the hospital twice. Once because a PA told me my ECG was abnormal, but when I got to the ER they took another one and said it was ok. I made an appointment with a cardiologist, but before that I called 911 from very persistent heart palpitations and feeling like fucking death. Turns out that time I was really low on potassium as I was chugging my weight in water all day trying to fix my POTS symptoms.

When I finally saw the cardiologist he loosely diagnosed me with POTS and gave me some beta blockers. This all took place in about 2-2.5 months and by then I very slowly felt like I was back to my old self again. I walked my dog like almost a mile and it was great. I hung out with my friends again. I went to the grocery store! I was better. But then 2 weeks later I got my second covid shot and I've been sick again ever since. That was 4 weeks ago and I'm just as bad as I was those 2.5 months. This is hell.

/r/covidlonghaulers Thread