How many attributes your does your system have and what are them?

General Attributes (roll d 12) (1-12)

Might (physical strength)
Mind (Sanity Points (logic, thinking)
Mu (mystical awareness)
Grace (reflexes, balance)
Guile (cunning, charm, worldliness)
Grit (Hit Points, willpower, stamina)

Combat Attributes (2-24)

Melee Attack Score (Might+Grit):
Ranged Attack Score (Grace+Mu):
Magic Attack Score (Mind+Guile):
Initiative and Melee Defence Score (Grace+Guile):
Ranged Defence Score (Grace+Grit):
Magic Defence Score (Mu+Grit):

Aether Points (4-48)

Grit:Hit Points+Mind: Sanity Points (Aether Points fluctuate with HP and SP totals)

Aether is necessary to manipulate probability. You absorb aether from enemies you defeat: 1 level or 1 HD of a defeated opponent is 1 aether point absorbed by the victor.

Aether can then be spent to cast spells and modify ANY dice roll (alter reality). A Spell cost 1 point of aether for every level of the spell.

Probability Manipulation: (adding to ANY roll of the players choosing) cost 2 AP per +1.

IMPORTANT!: magic and probability manipulation fumbles have particularly nasty consequences!

Singular Check/Save/Attack/Defend Mechanic

Everything -- including, saving throws and attack and defence rolls in combat -- are simply attribute checks against either a General Attribute or a Combat Attribute.

Fumble: If you roll a natural 1 on a d20, roll d12 on the relevant (Melee / Ranged / Magic) fumble table.

Criticals: If you roll a natural 20 on a D20, roll d12 on the relevant (see above) Critical Hit Table.

You never fumble or critical on a Defence Score roll.

/r/RPGdesign Thread