How many people support Trump based on policy and how many are just trying to hold Hillary accountable for her corruption?

You are obviously a non-supporter trolling with a pro-Trump flair. Your post history is littered with trolling, memes and not posting in good faith. Permanent ban

[8 hours ago] Mike Pence is a very religious man. He meant they will be taken care of by God Our Father in Heaven after mass euthanizations.

[1 month ago, responding to "Trump supporters are middle-class suburbanites and dont have time for that shit"] lower-class country bumpkins*

[1 month ago] Jill Stein doesn't have that cult of personality, so the pseudo-progressive berniecrats wont support her. Sad that in this election, the only bloc of voters that can surpass Donald Trump's in overall stupidity and lack of information was sanders'.

[1 month ago] This is one of the reasons I can't vote for Trump anymore. I don't think Trump himself is racist or dumb, but most of his supporters are. I never really thought the Republican Party was racist- as evident by the establishment's effort to distance themselves from Trump and Trumpkins. I mean I'm Pakistani Punjabi and there are two GOP governors between Jindal and Haley who are both Punjabis. As far as the 2012 Romney post-mortem goes, Trump works to its advantage. Trump is attracting the white, uneducated, low class, racist deadbeats away from the GOP and turning them against the GOP establishment. The GOP is losing it's most racist and scummy supporters to Trump, which will open the door for the more educated/enlightened socially and fiscally conservative minorities like Pakistanis, Indians, Chinese, Korean, many hispanic groups etc to vote Republican in the future after Trump inevitably splits the GOP into two and forms his own extreme-right white nationalist party.

[1 month ago] It's funny how so many people think Breitbart is a legitimate news site with actual journalists. prior to circle jerking donald trump, the only thing they were known for was all of their incel forever alone journalists bloggers penning stories about how "girlz r evil!!!!! dunt ever get married bros!!!!!!!!"

[1 month ago] i am no trumpette sir,.

[1 month ago] I don't mean his white trash base- they won't do anything. They'll just go back to their normal lives. I mean this weird internet/reddit alt right breitbart reading milo worshiping fringe of supporters that sprung up. These people are demonstrably more racist, violent, and unhinged than the average mainstream bud-light-and-nascar Trump supporter.

[1 month ago] Yeah Trump's campaign is a sinking ship. r/the_donald became a safe space for triggered white kids who knock chicken nuggets out of their mothers hands and scream at them because they don't understand why Trump is losing so badly.

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