How near do you feel Jesus return is?

Well there are lots of examples of retardely evil things that modern man does that a century ago mankind did not do or did not do on the same scale, some major examples are,

Nuclear power, which inorder to meet short term needs for economic interests, under the guise of power generation, an military applications, an a few medical applications, an research, pollutes the whole earth with manmade toxic to all life for billions of years radioactive heavy metals, see for more information about how nuclear power is destroying the whole Earth one Becquerel at a time, that is wickedness, Zechariah 5.

Then there is the idolatry which is so common place an pervasive an imbedded in the modern world, in many forms such as worship of science, an worship of currency, indeed there are already images of the beasts which are already wor$hiped around the world today.

Then there is sorcery, the wide scale application of drugs even in the food an drinks, food additives, etc, completely pervasive throughout society, prescription, legal/illegal, over the counter, an food an drink additives indeed, they drug the water with fluoride, an more than 9 out of 10 Americans for example, are consuming drugs daily. The scientards are even working on ways to genetically modify the food an the people without folks consent.

The list of mankinds wickedness goes on an on an on an on an on.

I think you are mistaken in your assessment, indeed the US has more people in prison than any other nation on the Earth, in the history of mankind. What people generally mistake for progress is typically the latest form of manipulation by the rich. The modern technological society trades minor social conviences like chating with folks around the world online, for major social degradations, such as chatting on devices built by slave labor an powered with toxic to all life for eternity nuclear energy.

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