How’s life so far? You need a reddit hug?

Things were bad for a long time. Struggled with depression and anxiety. Then I got a great new job and started dating someone I adored. Things got a lot better. I finally met my partners parents last weekend and they didn't like me. They are making her break up with me (we're in our 30's). It was really uneventful, so I think it was mostly superficial things, but it's crushing me. My mom was diagnosed with cancer a few months before we started dating. She really has helped me get through it so far, and I've worked really hard to support her through her hard times. A few weeks ago she was showing me engagement rings she liked. Now we're not really even talking. I feel worthless and destroyed. On top of that, new job is going poorly. We were acquired and that's led to a lot of broken promises. I'm also scared my mom's cancer is getting worse (it's been steady or improving since she was diagnosed).

/r/AskReddit Thread