How do you stop a law firm that assumes your name and files documents on your behalf from doing so again [State of NJ]

The situation is more like the party that filed the initial complaint abandoned the case. The case itself was dismissed after a year due to lack of prosecution.

A former lawyer that was fired (documented on the docket) nevertheless appears to still be an attorney of record in the system. This former attorney filed to have the dismissed case reinstated on my behalf without consent.

Then the law firm seeking prosecution filed another motion on my behalf to amend the plaintiffs name so that they can seek judgment.

So numerous documents were filed under my name and against me in order to seek judgment and at the same time likely cover their tracks when they amend the plaintiff.

This is my speculation.

The case isn't necessarily against me but it involves a party related to me. A family member.

I'm trying to find advice on preventing further filings or at least rescinding the most recent filing (if such a thing is possible).

It doesn't appear as though the state of NJ has any safeguards whatsoever against this happening, repeatedly.

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