How do you view Abortion?

My opinion. I don’t believe in abortion except for the few instances where it’s needed. Raped and impregnated? Sure. Is your life on the line? Do it. Failure to use protection or you just don’t want the child? Tough luck.

One of my main reasons is a fetus is a human being. Many people don’t consider a fetus to be a human because well, they are still inside the mother and can’t function on their own. A 9 month old cant function on their own either, so it shocks me when people say they should abort the baby and ignore they’re killing a living human. Killing a living specimen because it can’t function makes it okay to kill a baby if we’re using that logic.

Where the “my body, my choice” falls apart is that it isn’t a part of your body. It’s not any more a part of your body than your heart, organs, and liver are, it’s simply inside you. You can can do what you want with what’s inside you. You can remove an organ or a liver, afterall it’s a part of her body, but a baby isn’t, it’s completely separate and is only stored in your body until it reaches its final stage of pregnancy. Abortion is murder.

/r/AskReddit Thread