How to make a white supremacist block you

Look... saying this as a completely non-racist, treat-every-man-like-a-brother sort of person:

There are certain people from certain ethnic groups that do bear more of a resemblance to chimpanzees than other people of our species, that's just the long and short of it. Different ethnic groups have different skull and bone and skeletal structures, that's been known for a long time.

But if you use that as evidence that they are somehow less than human or lesser than you, you're an idiot.

Really it'd be more interesting and I think more correct to compare the two skull structures for similarities and see if you could connect the similarities to providing any sort of benefit to the organism.

Like, if you saw that humans that lived in a certain climate had larger internal naval cavities, and then found that other mammals in the same climate also had enlarged naval cavities, you could probably reasonably infer that having larger internal naval cavities is beneficial to living in that climate.

Well, that's a real example, anyway. Look at northern Europeans and also especially Eskimo people.

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