How to work around people who are touchy and sensitive?

I have an ENTJ friend. I'm ISFJ and recently asked on there how to get along with her better as she can be very abrasive. I got down-voted so I deleted it lol.

  1. She has a pretty rude tone. For example, manager will ask her if she wants a break and she replies in a rude tone "No." She was suffering a bit at work due to her attitude and I finally worked up the courage to let her know I think she should try to phrase things better. I said "Instead of just saying no in that tone, you could sweetly say "thanks for asking, but I'm good!" or something like that.

  2. She wants to be right. She really pushes a point until I'm so tired and done with it and just want to keep the peace. And she doesn't understand other perspectives well... Well, it's more of she questions endlessly yo figure out why I think the way I do and to me it seems like she is so baffled I could think what I do because it's different from what she thinks (aka I feel stupid bc it's like she cannot comprehend my POV, but she is trying to at least so I know she doesn't mean harm).

  3. She can be kind of mean when she's had a rough day, but I guess we all can. Ex: recently had a conversation with ENTJ and another friend about sexual innuendo bc ENTJ said she didn't understand it. Later thst night, she's having a very rough day and can't get a ride home from a concert at midnight so I tell her to text me when she needs the ride. At midnight, she texts me and I reply that I'll pick her up "but it won't be free..... ;)" her response: "Fine, I'm getting an Uber." We had just talked about sexual innuendo, I had just been joking, but she thought I literally wanted her to pay me money? I told her I was on the way and I picked her up. She never apologized but I was incredibly hurt. I mentioned later how sad I was she actually thought I wanted her to pay me and she laughed and said "I was having a bad day." but it still stung thst she thought I'd make her pay me. I am a good friend, I don't mind picking a friend up if they need (for free).

Anyways, I can honestly admit a lot of this stems from me being too sensitive. But she does come off as abrasive to me, so maybe you have done similar things without realizing it. In the end tho, she is my friend and I know she does not mean to hurt my feelings and it is just the way she is. She is helping me become less sensitive, just as my other n-dom friends are doing for me.

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