How has your actuarial knowledge help you in life.

I am an Australian actuary (FIAA) who went through the Australian exam path. The final subject/exam which we all had to do was an 8 hour exam which focused on using actuarial and effective communication techniques to solve business problems, I am not sure if there's an equivalent one through the SOA.

Anyway my point is that the exam really forces you to step away from the traditional actuarial mindset of being technically accurate to the n-th degree and place yourself in real life business problems and know how to give proper useful advice and solve them. That requires you to understand the big picture and place your arguments and advices to the point and not being drowned in the details.

How that has helped? - I argue way less with my girlfriend now because I can see the big picture better, know where she's coming from and now focused in finding a solution and not drone on and on about irrelevant stuff. - Made me perform much better at work. Again knowing exactly what your boss and other stakeholders want and not providing them with information that you want to provide but is actually irrelevant to what they need.

See the pattern? Hoped that helped!

/r/actuary Thread