Exams / Newbie Thread for two weeks

Hey guys, This is a throwaway account cause I can’t post . But basically I’ve been working as an actuarial analyst for 6 months and was recently put on a performance improvement plan. At my first role (financial analyst for a year) I was doing fine, although a middle schooler could do it very repetitive and mundane I lost interest around the time I got a new manager around 10 months into and my work began to stuffer, the new manager says I wasn’t doing enough and each month she gave me more and more plates to balance until I dropped a few. She was really knit picky and annoying and I left once I landed an actuarial position.

In the actuarial position I tried to be as diligent as possible learned a few things from my first job to take notes and ask questions and stuff like that. They gave me study time right away so I took it and passed my exam. Afterwords I had a discussion with my boss and she’s said you’ve been here about 2 months and aren’t devolving enough and said I should stop taking exams for a few months until I can get the day to day stuff down which I agreed to as I want to know how to do my job. About a couple weeks after that she had said that I dropped the ball on a few things, like formatting being slow and like she’d specifically tell me to watch out for something and my question was why isn’t this working( it was because I didn’t watch out) or just had work with many small mistakes like formatting and not updating formulas thru the whole column etc. that convo kinda freaked me and lit a fire under me. It stressed me out a ton cause I thought I was being fired, So I was trying harder but honestly wasn’t giving 100% as I’d watch Netflix in the background most of the time. But since then I stopped fooling around and buckled down. A couple of months go by and think I’m doing fine cause that’s want my mentor was saying and my manager hasn’t said otherwise, I was slapped with a PIP. Basically she said I got way better than the first conversation but not enough better. A lot of my work is adhoc and the mistakes I’m having is due to lack of understanding, silly mistakes and being slow and said I had 90 days on this plan. She seems sincere in wanting to help but I’ve heard pips are the first step in the firing process. Since I got piped I’ve lost all motivation to study and it’s getting increasingly difficult to do my job, I can’t sleep till 2-3 am from stress, things that I do regularly have become hard because I’m over thinking every little thing and mistakes are still coming back it seems my mentor is fed up with me at times which makes me not want to ask any questions for the fear of hearing your supposed to know this.

Has anyone here recovered from a pip, is there any hope in salvaging my current position, How bad does only 6 months look on the resume, and most importantly how do I do a good job at my job rn and in the future, I think I can be described as lazy but I don’t want to just quit every time I lose interest.

TLDR: got piped, think I’m getting canned, what should I do now and how do I build good work habits so I don’t get pipped or fired in the future?


/r/actuary Thread