[Hyprland] Hello Unix, this is Nix with power of Org

I can do ALL this in vscode, write my own vscode extensions and edit it to my hearts context. Every single piece of vscode can be changed.

I think most importantly, it's exponentially less time consuming to configure something like vscode than emacs. Which TIME is the most important resource of them all, I don't have enough time to fiddle with this stuff when I have endless work to do on our company's infrastructure/software.

Like why would Lisp be a selling point for emacs? If anything that should be an indication that you shouldn't use it since it's programmed with not a programming language.

This still only gives me one logical reason why anyone would use this...

It's to be different, edgy, unique, feel superior, and part of a small niche group. Mixed in with ludditism, and hatred for big tech companies.

I do agree that you can customize it to your hearts content, but that can easily be said about any piece of open source software. That's not a unique feature of emacs or a good selling point.

Because the flip side, is you are going to spend dozens and dozens, probably hundreds of hours customizing your shit, including themeing it for your twm that you also spend hours and hours customizing.

I like the idea, it's just anyone who has genuine responsibilities in the real world doesn't have time for this shit, unless you are an expert from learning emacs when it was "new"

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