Weekly Workshop 2018-07-13

I'm using Arch Linux with i3 and rxvt-unicode. This is going to be a bit of a shotgun-post. These are all problems I have spent some time on, but couldn't figure out myself in a satisfactory way... Maybe someone here can point me in the right direction?

  1. I'm having problems with fonts, and this prevents my i3bar and urxvt from looking nice. When I switch fonts for uxvt many characters get pixelated (for example, the 'w' and '@' characters). Also, many icons in my bar miss (for example, I do have the volume icon, but not the battery icon...). I'm also having some issues in gtk applications: In geany, I use a monospace font, but ff gets concatenated to a single character.

I am able to install new fonts but I have no idea what I'm doing. For example, I just installed some fonts, and the font in qutebrowser suddenly changed... How do you guys manage your fonts?

  1. Can someone recommend a gtk widget (that shows up in my i3bar) for shutdown/logoff/reboot/suspend?
/r/unixporn Thread