I think I want to fight - but I'm not sure..

If you're worried about looking like an idiot, you're worrying about the wrong thing.

Fighting has, and always will be, for the individual in the ring. You can have the best trainers. You can have the most knowledgeable corner. But it's you that is in the ring. It is you that is responsible for every falter, every kick, every check, every charge, and every retreat. If you can't trust in your process or in yourself, I would advise against fighting. If you cannot accept your own personal failures and move on from them, I do not advise you get into the ring. You and you alone are responsible.

I've had a handful of fights and I loved every god damn second of it. That doesn't mean I was successful. By record I'm not successful at all. I've walked away from a three year fight career with a handful of concussions that have probably caused permanent brain damage - not to worry, I'm in a great graduate program earning my doctorate degree. But I learned so much about myself and about my body during that time. You can't be fighting to raise money or fight just because your friends are. That is absolutely the most ridiculous reason to fight. You fight because you want to push your body to the mutherfucking limit. I fought because I wanted to challenge myself mentally, physically, and philosophically. Even at the amateur level, my entire life revolved around fighting. How I ate, when I rested, who I spent time with, what I did with my "free time"...these were all dictated by my drive to step into that ring and fuck shit up. I was internally motivated because I was so damn hungry for blood. I woke up at 6am for school. I worked. I napped in the backseat of my car in the gym parking lot before training. I trained 4 times a week.

Muay thai is brutal. It is pure blood sport. Commissions don't give a shit about your health and they don't care how badly they treat you. They will throw you to the dogs just to make money and make their favorite fighters look good. You will never, ever, ever escape the possibility of brain damage. Even with light sparring you can get concussions. Our brains are floating in our skulls with about a 3mm give on each side. You think it takes a hard hit to fuck you up? No, it can just be a bunch of teeny little tiny ones.

Fight because you want to fight.

/r/MuayThai Thread