Best muay thai pre workout meal?

I like a glass or two of room temp water with lime juice and a banana. Sometimes I'll add some extras to it like some leftover rice, a handful of almonds, or some cottage cheese, but the idea behind my choice is that I want to eat light, stay hydrated, and consume electrolytes. The sugar in the banana is usually enough to get me through a session, and the lime juice and water keeps my hydrated. Sometimes I'll add a pinch of salt to the water if I feel like I will sweat a lot (hot day out, particularly heavy workout plan, etc). Otherwise, the lime juice and banana usually have the electrolytes I need. Also, the temperature of the water is important. I don't like warm water because it doesn't make me feel refreshed and hydrated, it sort of feels heavy (like I'm drinking a cup of evening tea) whereas cold water sits in my stomach and is generally uncomfortable. Room temp is best.

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