Iama 26 year old male with rheumatoid arthritis and ankylosing spondylitis, AMA

Good news for her!

I still don't have a real full time job in my field, so I've pieced together a lot of seasonal and part time stuff mostly.
The drugs haven't really affected my job since none of them are narcotics. I even got a DOT certificate a few months back for UPS for the holidays, which I wasn't really sure if I'd be eligible. Tramadol is the strongest thing I take for pain and it doesn't have any mental effects on me. My rheumatologist doesn't prescribe narcotics at all, which is probably good for me in the long run although sometimes I sure wish she'd give me a few to use for the worst days. She's pretty conservative with meds and keeps me on the lowest dose of the mildest ones that work. Some people apparently feel kind of high from muscle relaxers but I've never had an issue with the ones I take. I do smoke a lot of weed in a very not drug friendly state, so that's usually what I have to worry about.

So far I've never missed work due to my chronic issues. I just load up on meds and tough it out the best I can. But I am late semi frequently because mornings are usually the worst for me and sometimes it's slow going. But so far my managers have been understanding. I don't declare it up front as a disability or anything, but I assume ADA laws work in my favor anyway and most places aren't gonna cause trouble as long as I'm not excessive.

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