Idiots like this red Audi driver need to be banned. Everyone except 4 people ragequit after this.

I understand where you’re coming from, but from what I can remember this was not a particularly low SA match, this was like 45. I would understand if it had no minimum SA requirement as he is a newbie, fair enough. I don’t think the newbie excuse particularly checks out here, unless it was this players friend who doesn’t really know the game.

His complete disregard to the player he collided with at the end of the video (which caused him to collide with the OTHER person next to him), makes me think he doesn’t care, you can tell this was no accident, with no attempt to brake at all. The 3 cars you see stationary on turn 1 were involved in the accident chain effect caused by the Audi, I don’t mind posting a different POV showing this.

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