If you could change your spouses gender, Shaun wouldn’t exist: dingus!

You'd know what I was saying if you didn't have an unconscious intolerance of my culture. Quite frankly I'm appalled by your discompasionate lack of understand. What are you some kind of psychopath devoid of emotions? You didn't even try to empathize with me.

What if I was hurting and I needed someone to be there for me? I can't believe I reached out to you and you just struck me down like that. You didn't even bother putting a period at the end of that sentence. Am I not even worth a period to you?! Am I just some twitchthought in your sick mind? Just another person for you to use and abuse.

Do you even care at all when you hurt people like me with your disregarding attitude? I can't believe it's 2018 and things like this are still happening. <irrational outrage depleted>

/looks around

I'm gonna go think about why I'm alone and how I got this way. Peace!

/r/fo4 Thread Parent Link - i.redd.it