If crime was legal would you commit any?

Yes. I would kill, and rob, and everything, because if crime was legal I would have to to survive. When you tell a child not to swear, they’ll do it anyway until they receive extensive punishment. Without this punishment, they wouldn’t stop, and it would become natural. Maybe we can hope that the adults of the current generation have already solidified their moral compasses to the point where they wouldn’t commit extreme crime (which is unrealistic enough, given the effect this would have on hate groups / people who would commit crime but don’t due to repercussions) but raising children into a world of no legal punishment for anything and having them not become criminals would be very difficult imo. Eventually the murderous and hateful would all wipe each other out, (minorities would probably be long gone due to people being able to act on their political / religious views) and we would be left with a fraction of the current population who just want to stay out of each other’s way, but would kill for self defense and steal food and water to survive.

Or maybe I’m wrong and have put way too much thought into this.

/r/polls Thread