If you don't know, Magic Arena stills sucks, according to r/MagicArena.

Gwent shitposter comes to an mtg sub to make fun of our game. Our game has at least been dying for 25+ years, yours can barely make it past 1 without an entire rework of the core mechanics because the 1 deck meta that evolved from the first set was atrocious. But let’s not focus on that, let’s focus on how I systematically break down all of your shitty points and misinformation.

  1. The people in south east Asia can download and play the game still. They just have to mark US as their location. This was figured out literally 10 minutes after the beta opened.

  2. Yeah they took out the codes, they’re also being sold everywhere for $2.50 or less (cardsphere). Don’t try to say it had insane value.

  3. Yeah we are pissed at this. Usually when it’s this bad they change things, however. Say what you want but when everyone complains it’s a different story (the official beta forum does not count. Its a literal shithole).

Their software is great, economy needs a lot of work but isn’t totally lost, there are only a handful of known bugs which are being fixed as we speak, and yeah 40 attackers 40 blockers is a mess in paper, mtgo, and arena. At least we get to play more than 8 creatures or whatever the fuck your shit tier dead game restricts you to.

Yeah it’s a fucking beta, how many fucking times does that need to be beaten into your thick skull? it means they are open to fixing things and adding new features. It’s ironic that you think they are going to drop support for the beta after a year but think Gwent is in a healthy state. Those streamers you mentioned saw the writing on the wall and got the fuck out before it turned into a dead game. If you go to their chat now and ask about Gwent they laugh in your fucking face. There’s a reason why millions have been playing magic for 20 years and people are rapidly quitting Gwent; simply put- the game is shit. Shits especially funny when all of you Gwent players are standing around nervously going “it will get better with homecoming!” Do you really think it will get better? Deep down, you know that the fundamental mechanics to the game are too rigid, which allows for little to no innovation. No amount of reworks or expansions will fix the game.

Don’t forget to sign up for the sealed codes giveaway on /r/magicarena tomorrow btw.

/r/freemagic Thread